As I drove to work the other day I noticed that the trees along the road had been tapped. Now that's a sure sign of spring. The next morning Alana made our first trip to the local sugar house for blueberry pancakes and syrup that had been made right there. Yes, I love this early spring ritual.
Today it was back to reality. Heavy, wet snow has been coming down since noon. I guess there will still be plowing and shoveling for a little while longer.
The local medical center did a medical fair at Alana's school last night. They had a lot of the different areas represented there. Real human bones and blood, a practice surgery area, real pathology samples, an EKG and intubation station...they had it all. We went thinking that we would spend about a half hour there and cruise through the stuff. Ended up being there for the entire evening. Alana loved it all. I'm always happy when my girl shows an interest in any science.
Most normal people will take a week off and vacation. Not me. I took a week off and recovered. Apparently there's a nasty viral respiratory infection going around and it knocked me off my feet. First few days I had a temp of about 103 and pretty much didn't move from my bed. Took the next few days to get the strength to move around a little bit. For the last week I couldn't have told you what the weather was or what was going on in the world.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing.