Sunday, April 18, 2010

Something New

Apparently this is the time of year when i get going into my knitting again. Watching a baseball game or waiting for Alana during her dance class is when you will see me pull out one of my projects and let my knitting flow.
When I am at one of the CT crop get togethers I will usually at some point have a yarn talk with Lin and/or Ramona. They are my enablers. They will gladly point me in the direction of yarn websites to check out.
For quite a while I have been avoiding the largest yarn store in New England. It is seriously too close to me. Well, I caved to my weakness and went. The good news is that I was so overwhelmed that I was able to contain myself to just the project I was about to start.
It was while on this little field trip that I came upon square needles. Who would have thought. Being somewhat of a craft gadget person, I decided to try them out. Love them! oh sure, I've since read mixed reviews about them, but I do love the way they feel in my hands.


Amy said...

I can't for the life of me knit. I can crochet, and keep trying to use the needles like crochet hooks. Doesn't quit work.

Patti H said...

good luck what are you working on?

Cheri Pryor said...

What is so different than a regular knitting needle...other than the squareness? lol!

Yankee said...

Cheri, it feels so much more comfortable in my hands, especially if the project gets heavy (blanket).