Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm A Changed Woman

I was never really one for video games. Sure, when Zelda first came out I got caught up in it, but I stopped and walked away when I realized how much time I could lose while following that little guy around. The man and kid have their games that they are into. I'd watch for a bit, but never got the urge to pick up a controller. Guess that has changed. One of my online buds (okay, Lin) has talked up her Wii. Kind of caught my interest. Started reading reviews about it on the web. Tried it out at the store. Home it came. Got it hooked up and running much more quickly than I had anticipated. First try was boxing at the beginner's level. Knockout. So, if I've been bad about keeping up with my blog lately, I'm thinking it might just get worse.


Amy said...

In some ways, I really, really want a Wii. But seeing as I have had a video game addiction in the past, in some ways, I'm glad we don't have one. Go get your Wii fix, but don't be too much of a stranger here!!

Our little family said...

OMG we got one for Christmas. I have not watched TV in the living room since. Chris and Charlie are so addicted it is sick. The will literally play together for hours at a time.

You have to get Wii Sport Resort. Lots of fun things on there. I pretty much kick butt at wakeboarding.

It also has fencing on it. Now that is some fun stuff.


Patti H said...

Oh crap why did I read this? Because I really want one but I keep resisting. You better not become a stanger we know where you live LOL

Cheri Pryor said...

LOVE. MY. Wii!!!

Watch movie online free said...

I follow your blog for quite a long time and should tell that your articles always prove to be of a high value and quality for readers.

Lin said...

Yaay, a convert! I hope you love it like I do. EA Active is great for a quick workout (most are about 30 min.) and Just Dance is fun!

prashant said...

The will literally play together for hours at a time.

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