Sunday, January 4, 2009

Toboggan Dogs

Okay, not the most flattering pictures of me, but I dress for warmth and not style during the winter. Actually, I dress for comfort year-round. There have been a couple of requests for pictures of my midlife-crisis-toboggan. Yes, I self-fulfilled my childhood desire for an L.L. Bean toboggan a few years ago.
Alana and I have had a few good days of sliding (that's called sledding for you non-central Massachusetts people). Today we decided to see how the dogs would like it.
Surprisingly, it was Coco who took to the snow like a duck to water. She ran laps around the yard like a crazy girl. Lucy needed to have her polar fleece jacket put on. She doesn't have quite the same amount of fluff as Coco. For someone who has always had Samoyeds, it is rather odd to have to put a jacket on a dog. Lucy liked the riding. Coco liked the running.


Patti H said...

OMG NAncy you look so cute. I love to tobaggan too! I so want to take the boys. I think COdy would love it as well. BTW I love their coats.

AshleyS said...

I love the toboggan! And I'm jealous that you all get to do "real" sledding!

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! The kids kept asking me to take them sledding, and I'm like, "Where?!"

Cassandra said...

Being that I have always lived in the south--- dog jackets are funny!

Spencer would LOVE to see that much snow!

Oscar T. Grouch said...

you are cute, on your midlife crisis tobogan.

Cheri Pryor said...

Awww! They are so cute!! And you guys are all way to adorable in your winter garb!