Saturday, October 11, 2008

Closing the camp

Last weekend we did the seasonal closing of my parents' camp. I always seem to want to put this off because it is the reality slap that summer is totally gone. Along with the loss of summer is the wake up call that I didn't get everything done that I was supposed paint. It seems like whenever I was out there, painting just was not on my list of things to do.
That's my dad on the roof. He usually tries to get out there before me to get most of the work done. This year I actually got to clear the roof before he did.
Draining all the pipes is the cold and wet part that I have usually gotten to wimp out of.
Our friend, Travis came with us and helped my dad out (as much as anyone can help Dad). Travis has an edge because he is studying plumbing and my dad has taken a shine to him.
So, another summer is gone. The camp is closed up. All that is left to do is a couple of trips out there to rake the laves and keep the gutters cleared. All too soon I will be making the trip to rake the roof after the snow.

1 comment:

Patti H said...

yes and we just closed the pool. It truly is the sign that winter in just behind the corner! Love your post and your photo is perfect!